Half rug

Half rug is a textile which is only partially covered by pile.

If some base cloth can be seen it must be selected so that it fits the whole design.

Those parts which will not be covered by pile can be filled in many ways: embroidery, painting, appliquee, ...

TASSEL RUG -EXPERIMENT. Small wollen tassel on a white jute base cloth. Tassel is cut round with scissors, pile yarns has been combed open and steamed tousled.
True or fiction?
Sewing four rows of six rya knots makes a small rug tassel. Rows are sewn against each other, the pile direction varies in the middle of tassel. Tassel has (4x6) 24 rya knots and each knot has two stitches it makes 48 stitches... See sewing a rug.
Tassel experiment, back side.
Half rug wowen in loom; Gullkrona, Pargas
Paper yarn rug. Student work, Loimaa professional institute
Fantti yarn rug. Student work, Loimaa professional institute

Swedish relief rya - relief rug

Idea is to sew rug surface and half stitch surface on a canvas following your own design. Study images!

Best yarn is wool, it makes beautiful and tight pile. When the pile is cut it can also be shaped; cut different lenghts, round from edges etc. Steaming, combing and brushing will make woolen pile very even "fur".


Embroided and piled figure has been inlayed into the fabric of pillow. It can be sewn as appliquee. Stitch will be under the pile.

Relief rya -technique has been brought up and ideadeveloed by a swedish textile teacher and multimedia producer Inger Degerfält. All of this technique is on her @tt Brodera - embroidery cd-rom.

Images (except relief rug) and web editing Pirjo Sinervo
Relief-rug idea and images Inger Degerfält 

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